Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Pocket Testament League

The Pocket Testament League and the Power of One

A Review of the Pocket Testament League at
By Lene Madsen

Have you ever doubted you could make a difference in this world? Or quaked at the thought of personal evangelism? Or ever felt as though you’re just marking time until you breathe your last? Those are lies from the pit of hell. Each of us still drawing breath on this earth, no matter how young or old, vigorous or feeble we may be, has a God-given purpose to fulfill. And as Christians we know that God not only calls us to walk with Him but to share the Gospel with others.

But in today’s increasingly anti-Christian culture evangelism has become a scary word for many Christians. But the Pocket Testament League, aka, PTL, has ‘a help for that.’ They offer free evangelism training. Their “Evangelism Boot Camp” is a powerful, self-paced, seven-part training program that is sent to you by email.

PTL’s small beginning in personal evangelism is a testament to the Power of One plugged into God. It’s the enormous difference one person, yielded to the Holy Spirit, can make. Helen Cadbury was a shy girl of thirteen when God dropped the seed-idea into her heart. She then invited friends over and they made a pact to “Read, Carry, and Share” the Word of God. They sewed pockets into their dresses so they could carry Scripture with them everywhere and called themselves the Pocket Testament League. The year was 1893.

Today the core mission of the Pocket Testament League is still “Read, Carry, Share” the Word. And in their 119 years they’ve shared over 110 million Gospel of John booklets. How many souls are in heaven today because one shy girl acted on an idea God dropped into her heart?

Today PTL is available worldwide 24/7. Their website, , utilizes the latest in communication technology and is filled with excellent evangelism tools for the individual Christian. They offer free evangelism training, various Bible study options, as well as free daily devotionals.

Has anyone ever asked you: “What’s the point?” Or, “Why does anyone need salvation?” PTL has a help for that. One of their dynamite evangelism tools is “Why Am I Here?” It’s a short video with a fresh approach that captures and holds your attention in a fun, non-preachy way. The salvation message is presented in an actively illustrated story form easily understood by all ages.

The best evangelism tools are the Gospel of John pocket size booklets available at no charge. This is the heart and soul of PTL. They come in three different translations and up to five different languages. There are numerous dynamic covers from which to choose.  Each cover is designed to appeal to different groups. Each also contains a Plan of Salvation with a Prayer and a Decision page.

Begin your own exciting personal evangelism journey of changing the world through the Power of One plugged into God. Go to the Pocket Testament League website now and join for FREE.